Friday, May 21, 2010

Oil causes a lot of damages

What I learned from the oil crisis is that creates a lot of effects for example; it has political effects because possible change of law to cover damages from 75 billion to 10 billion., social effect because it deals with stress of oil resulted in increase & alcoholism, economic effect because restaurants will lose money due to fish, and finally environmental effects because animals death is harming ecosystem for example whales, dolphins, and fish. We should start making changes to break our oil dependence; I think that we should find different ways to substitute oil. There’s many ways we can help decrease carbon footprint bring cloth bags to the market so they can recycle them, unplug electronics when we are not using them. From now on I’m going to take cloth bags to the market and I’m going to unplug electronics when I’m not using them. We can motivate others by telling them about the oil shortage and the effects that it can cause. What I also learned was that Obama’s plan was to open vast stretches of U.S coastlines to oil and gas drilling but members of congress is not in support of this plan because the gulf spill is environmental and economic disaster that wreaks havoc for commercial fishing and tourism. I also learned that British Petroleum is one of the largest oil company, BP has to pay for damages. Cleaning a Hurricane disaster takes years but cleaning an oil spill takes decades.

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